
Tar­get­AMD 1.0

The pro­ject Tar­get­AMD was fun­ded by the European Com­mis­sion in the con­text of the Sev­enth Frame­work Pro­gramme clas­si­fied to the top­ic health.

Tar­get­AMD brought toge­ther an interdiscipli­nary team of out­stand­ing sci­ent­ists from 8 European coun­tries. Five en­ter­prises, three aca­dem­ic part­ners, five Uni­ver­sity Hos­pit­als and Uni­ver­sit­ies rep­res­en­ted the in­ter­na­tion­al con­sor­ti­um of 13 part­ners.

The pro­ject was led by the Uni­ver­sity of Geneva, Prof. Gab­ri­ele Thu­mann, Dept. of Oph­thal­mo­logy and as­sisted by pro­fes­sion­al EU pro­ject man­age­ment of RWTH Aachen Uni­ver­sity, Ms. Maria Perdikomati-Dahmen.

The pro­jects’ aim was to de­vel­op a trans­po­son-based gene the­ra­py for the ex­ud­at­ive form of Age-re­lated Mac­u­lar De­gen­er­a­tion (AMD), and to trans­late the treat­ment in­to the First-In-Man clini­cal tri­al (phase Ib/ IIa) in Europe. The mul­ti­fa­ceted con­sor­ti­um rep­res­en­ted spe­cial­ists of­fer­ing a broad pan­el of ex­per­i­ences and know­ledge in the patho­logy and treat­ment of AMD with key com­pet­ences in the fields of ge­net­ic en­gin­eer­ing, mo­lecu­lar and cell bio­logy, in vivo mod­el­ling, ocu­lar sur­gery, clini­cal stud­ies, qual­ity con­trol and GMP-grade pro­duc­tion.