
Tar­get Late AMD

Our two first pro­jects were de­signed to treat rather early stages of AMD be­fore cell loss has been oc­curred. This third pro­ject aims at treat­ing ad­vanced stages of AMD. The ap­proach has been fun­ded by the Fond­a­tion de bi­en­fais­ance Pierre & An­drée Haas and is en­titled “non-vir­al stem cell-based gene the­ra­py to treat late stages of dry AMD (“Thérapie gé­nique non-virale basée sur les cel­lules souches pour traiter de la DMLA sèche avancée”). The pur­pose of the pro­ject is to de­vel­op a stem cell-based gene the­ra­py product to re­cov­er a healthy reti­nal en­vir­on­ment, to re­place lost reti­nal pig­ment ep­ithe­lial cells, and to halt photore­cept­or cell loss.