
Tar­get Dry AMD

Two con­sec­ut­ive pro­jects have been fun­ded by the Swiss Na­tion­al Sci­ence Found­a­tion (SNSF grants no. 160195 and no. 189341) to de­vel­op a cell-based non-vir­al gene the­ra­py to treat dry AMD simi­lar­ly to the Tar­get­AMD 1.0 ap­proach for wet AMD.

With­in the first pro­ject, we de­veloped a dis­ease mod­el for dry AMD ap­ply­ing an im­mun­isa­tion with a factor that has been found in eyes of dry AMD pa­tients (carboxyethyl pyrrole). The col­lab­or­a­tion with Prof. L. Scapozza, UNIGE, Switzer­land, al­lowed the cus­tom­ized in-house pro­duc­tion of this im­mun­o­gen.

Prof. Z. Ivics, Paul-Ehr­lich In­sti­tute, Ger­many, was already in the Tar­get­AMD 1.0 pro­ject re­spons­ible for the in­teg­ra­tion pro­file ana­lys­is and thus, for the de­term­in­a­tion of a cru­cial safety para­met­er of our product. He will per­form the same ana­lyses in “Tar­get Dry AMD”.