

  • EMA:

    The European Medi­cine Agency fosters scien­tific ex­cel­lence in the eval­u­ation and su­per­vi­sion of medi­cines, for the be­ne­fit of pub­lic and an­im­al health in the European Uni­on.

  • European Com­mis­sion:

    The European Com­mis­sion fun­ded the Tar­get­AMD pro­ject un­der the 7th Frame­work Pro­gram for re­search, tech­no­lo­gic­al de­vel­op­ment and demon­stra­tion un­der the grant agree­ment no. 305134.

    You can find de­tailed in­form­a­tion about the fun­ded pro­ject at the CORDIS web­site.

    For pub­lic­a­tions avail­able as Open Ac­cess, please vis­it the OpenAIRE web­site.

    Find out more about cur­rent re­search activ­it­ies of the European Com­mis­sion.

  • Swiss Med­ic:

    Swiss Med­ic is the swiss agency for thera­peut­ic products. It is deal­ing, amongst oth­ers, with Ad­vanced The­ra­py Medi­cin­al Products (AT­MPs).

Scien­tific and med­ic­al So­ci­et­ies

  • AAO:

    The Amer­ic­an Academy of Oph­thal­mo­logy is a pro­fes­sion­al med­ic­al as­so­ci­ation of oph­thal­mo­lo­gists. Headquartered in San Fran­cisco, Cali­for­nia, it counts among its mem­bers over 90% of oph­thal­mo­lo­gists in the United States and over 7,000 mem­bers abroad.

  • ARVO:

    The As­so­ci­ation for Re­search in Vis­ion and Oph­thal­mo­logy is the world’s largest oph­thal­mic and vis­ion re­search so­ci­e­ty, with 12,000 oph­thal­mo­lo­gists and re­search­ers in over 75 coun­tries. It was foun­ded in 1928 in Wash­ing­ton, USA.

  • ASGCT:

    The mis­sion of the Amer­ic­an So­ci­e­ty of Gene and Cell The­ra­py is to ad­vance know­ledge, aware­ness, and edu­ca­tion lead­ing to the dis­cov­ery and clini­cal ap­plic­a­tion of ge­net­ic and cel­lu­lar ther­apies to al­le­vi­ate hu­man dis­ease.

  • DOG:

    The Deutsche Oph­thal­mo­lo­gis­che Gesell­schaft is the med­ic­al-scien­tific so­ci­e­ty for oph­thal­mo­logy in Ger­many. It brings toge­ther over 8,000 oph­thal­mo­lo­gists and sci­ent­ists un­der one roof to re­search, ex­am­ine and treat oph­thal­mo­lo­gic­al dis­orders.

  • ESGCT:

    The European So­ci­e­ty of Gene and Cell The­ra­py already cel­eb­rated its 25th an­niversary in 2017, and sup­ports ba­sic and clini­cal re­search on gene the­ra­py, cell the­ra­py and ge­net­ic vac­cines in Europe.

  • ESIO:

    The European So­ci­e­ty of In­ter­na­tion­al Oph­thal­mo­logy was foun­ded in 2019 by oph­thal­mo­lo­gists in­volved in hu­man­it­ari­an oph­thal­mo­logy and/or in emer­ging coun­tries, to provide a plat­form for net­work­ing, ex­chan­ging in­form­a­tion and pro­mul­gat­ing ex­cel­lence in train­ing. Its mem­bers are oph­thal­mo­lo­gists and eye care spe­cial­ists from five con­tin­ents, de­vel­op­ing re­gions and in­ter­na­tion­al or­gan­iz­a­tions such as the WHO, the United Na­tions and the Red Cross.

  • ISSCR:

    Foun­ded in 2002, the In­ter­na­tion­al So­ci­e­ty for Stem Cell Re­search now has over 4,000 mem­bers from more than 60 coun­tries. Its aim is to pro­mote trans­la­tion­al and interdiscipli­nary stem cell re­search.

  • SFO:

    The So­ciété Française d’ophtalmologie was foun­ded in 1883 by Paul Chibret, who brought toge­ther oph­thal­mo­lo­gists from France, Switzer­land, Bel­gi­um and Spain.

  • SOE:

    The European Oph­thal­mo­lo­gic­al So­ci­e­ty, foun­ded in 1956, brings toge­ther 44 European na­tion­al so­ci­et­ies of oph­thal­mo­logy.

  • SSO/SOG:

    The Swiss So­ci­e­ty of Oph­thal­mo­logy was foun­ded in 1907. Its goal is to sup­port the scien­tific de­vel­op­ment and prac­tice of oph­thal­mo­logy and to de­fend the pro­fes­sion­al in­terests of its mem­bers.

  • TEDD:

    The Tis­sue En­gin­eer­ing for Drug De­vel­op­ment and Sub­stance Test­ing com­pet­ence cen­ter, foun­ded in 2011, is a Swiss collabo­rative in­nov­a­tion plat­form ded­ic­ated to 3D cell cul­ture tech­no­logy and or­gan-mim­ick­ing tis­sue mod­els. TEDD com­bines di­verse com­pet­en­cies through in­teg­rat­ive co­oper­a­tions in­clud­ing in­ter­na­tion­al aca­dem­ic, clini­cal and in­dus­tri­al part­ners.

In­form­a­tion for pa­tients or re­search­ers

Pages in Eng­lish
  • AAO:

    In­form­a­tion for pa­tients on eye dis­eases de­livered by the AAO.

  • RI:

    Reti­na In­ter­na­tion­al is the glob­al um­brella or­gan­iz­a­tion for pa­tient-led char­it­ies and found­a­tions. who sup­port re­search in­to rare, ge­net­ic­ally in­her­ited and age-re­lated forms of reti­nal dis­ease.

  • UNIGE OpEx:

    Our web page at the Uni­ver­sity of Geneva gives de­tails of our re­search and cur­rent pro­jects in French and in Eng­lish.

Pages in French
  • ABA:

    As­so­ci­ation pour le Bi­en des Aveugles et mal­voy­ants is a Geneva-based as­so­ci­ation of­fer­ing ad­vice and ser­vices to im­prove the qual­ity of life of blind and par­tially-sighted people.

  • FSA / FBV:

    Fédéra­tion Suisse des Aveugles et mal­voy­ants provides help, sup­port and ad­vice to the people con­cerned, to compa­nies em­ploy­ing blind and par­tially-sighted people, and to their fam­il­ies.


    In­form­a­tion for pa­tients on AMD de­livered by the “ser­vice d’ophtalmologie”, HUG.

  • HUG OpEx:

    Our web page at the HUG gives de­tails about our re­search and cur­rent pro­jects.

  • HUG / UNIGE:

    Re­search portal of the HUG for re­search­ers and pa­tients on on­go­ing clini­cal pro­jects and stud­ies. You can re­gister to par­ti­cip­ate.

  • Reti­na Suisse:

    Reti­na Suisse is an as­so­ci­ation that provides in­form­a­tion and ad­vice for people suf­fer­ing from ret­in­it­is pig­mentosa (RP), mac­u­lar de­gen­er­a­tion, Ush­er syn­drome and oth­er reti­nal dis­eases.

  • SFO pa­tients:

    In­form­a­tion for pa­tients on eye dis­eases de­livered by the So­ciété Française d’Ophtalmologie.

  • UCBA:

    Uni­on Cent­rale suisse pour le Bi­en des Aveugles of­fers a whole range of solu­tions and ser­vices to make life easi­er for deaf, blind, visu­ally im­paired and hard-of-hear­ing people.

Pages in Ger­man
  • DOG:

    In­form­a­tion for pa­tients on eye dis­eases de­livered by the DOG.

  • DBSV:

    Deutscher Blinden- und Se­hbe­hinder­ten­verb­and e.V. is the na­tion­al Ger­man or­gan­iz­a­tion of visu­ally im­paired per­sons and pa­tients, who suf­fer from a dis­ease lead­ing to sight loss. As self-help or­gan­isa­tion, DBSV strives for an in­clus­ive, for­ward-look­ing so­ci­e­ty free of dis­crim­in­a­tion.

  • FBV / FSA:

    Sch­weizerischer Blinden- und Se­hbe­hinder­ten­verb­and provides help, sup­port and ad­vice to the people con­cerned, to compa­nies em­ploy­ing blind and par­tially-sighted people, and to their fam­il­ies.

  • Pro­Ret­ina:

    PRO RETINA is a Ger­man or­gan­iz­a­tion that sup­ports visu­ally im­paired or blind per­son to cope with their dis­ease, to lead a self-de­term­ined life.
