Au­thor : Tar­get­AMD

Rep­res­en­ted by
Uni­versité de Genève, Prof. Gab­ri­ele Thu­mann (Coördin­at­or)

Ad­dress :
Hôpitaux Uni­versitaires de Genève
Dé­parte­ment des neur­os­ciences cli­niques, Ser­vice d’ophtalmologie
22, Rue Al­cide-Jentzer
CH-1211 Genève 14

Stand­ard Dis­claim­er

The con­tent of our sites has been pre­pared with the ut­most care. This site re­flects only the author’s views and the com­munity is not li­able for any use that may be made of the in­form­a­tion con­tained therein.

The au­thor re­serves the right to make changes or ex­ten­sions to the in­form­a­tion provided without pri­or no­ti­fic­a­tion. The coördin­at­or of pro­ject Tar­get­AMD shall not be li­able for any dam­ages of a ma­ter­i­al or im­ma­ter­i­al nature caused by use of in­form­a­tion provided on its web­sites, un­less li­ab­il­ity ap­plies as a res­ult of demon­strably in­ten­tion­al or grossly neg­li­gent con­duct.

Li­ab­il­ity – Links

This site in­cludes links to ex­tern­al web­sites of third parties that help to per­form the mis­sion – to in­form about Tar­get­AMD. The au­thor has no in­flu­ence on the con­tents of these web­sites. In all cases, the re­spect­ive site pro­vider or op­er­at­or shall be re­spons­ible for the con­tent of the sites linked. Li­ab­il­ity of the au­thor for cor­res­pond­ing con­tents and of­fers of third parties is hereby ex­cluded. The sites linked were checked for pos­sible vi­ol­a­tions of the law at the time of the cre­ation of the link. No un­law­ful con­tents were re­cog­nis­able at that time. This serv­er will not link to ex­tern­al serv­ers if such a link would ap­pear to provide an of­fi­cial en­dorse­ment of fun­drais­ing ef­forts or lob­by­ing for a polit­ic­al agenda. Should you as­cer­tain doubt­ful or un­law­ful con­tents on these sites, the au­thor would ap­pre­ci­ate cor­res­pond­ing in­form­a­tion. In the event of the au­thor be­com­ing aware of vi­ol­a­tions of the law, the links con­cerned shall be re­moved im­me­di­ately.

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