What is AMD

Cur­rent treat­ment

The state of the art of wet AMD treat­ment makes use of drugs that bind to the VEGF or com­par­able mo­lecules to in­hib­it ves­sel growth. Cur­rently on the mar­ket are Avas­tin®, Eylea®, Lu­centis®, Beovu®, Vabysmo®, and Sus­vimoTM. In­jec­tion in­to the li­quid-filled eye globe of the drugs stops the ves­sel growth by dis­rupt­ing the an­giogen­ic cas­cade. Due to the short half-life of the mo­lecules and the sus­tained in­traocu­lar VEGF pro­tein ex­pres­sion, the the­ra­py needs to be re­peated monthly in av­er­age.

Il­lus­tra­tion of Lu­centis® mode of ac­tion

TargetAMD treatment VEGF

To avoid severe side ef­fects, high costs on health care and the over­all bur­den of the­ra­py on the pa­tients, an al­tern­at­ive thera­peut­ic ap­proach has been de­veloped. The in­crease of in­traocu­lar PEDF levels will re­gen­er­ate the homeo­stas­is of an­giogen­ic and anti-an­giogen­ic mo­lecules, coun­ter­act the in­creased VEGF ex­pres­sion and in­hib­it neovas­cu­lar­isa­tion.