Health­care Pro­fes­sion­als

Thera­peut­ic­al ap­proach and sur­gery

Thera­peut­ic ap­proaches

The goal of our thera­peut­ic ap­proaches is to provide pa­tients with treat­ment that is:

  • Safe
  • Ef­fi­cient
  • Long-last­ing (only one life-long in­ter­ven­tion)
  • Quick and simple to ad­min­is­ter
  • Cheap

The ini­tial ap­proach, de­veloped by the Tar­get­AMD con­sor­ti­um, com­prised the har­vest of an iris biopsy, im­me­di­ate, non-vir­al ge­net­ic modi­fic­a­tion of the cells by in­teg­ra­tion of one gene of in­terest and sub­ret­in­al trans­plant­a­tion of the auto­log­ous cell product. Since then, the ap­proach has been broadened to treat both forms of AMD, early and late stages of the dis­ease us­ing more than one thera­peut­ic gene and stem cell-tech­no­logy.